Monday, 23 November 2009


the main purpose of music videos is promotion. The music video is a promotional tool for the artist. It sometimes serves as a catalyst for CD sales or artist song downloads. This is where branding comes into it.

A Brand is a particular make of a product or artist, audiences have so much choice due to the number of bands and artists so a brand helps give a band/artist personality to make people want to buy their records and watch their music videos. The brand can refer to the whole range of products e.g. videos, cd's, type of song and concerts/merchandise.

The brand is more than just the product/artist(s) and is more than advertising:
"advertising any given product is only one part of branding's grand plan" (Naomi Klein, No Logos)
The quote above can be realted to artists and music videos. It explains that a brand is not just their to advertise the artsis/band but to create a foundation where the artist/band can build up a relationship with the audience. Branding is about creating an image that people link to the particular band/artist, this image should entice them into buying their music, watching their music videos over and over again.

Below are a number of famous brands relating to products:

In relation to our project we will need to be consistent over our three products, we will need a consistent colour scheme and logo that consists of the right connotations for our brand. we will need a consistent brand image which has the image/message we want the audience to associate with our band. We will need a consistent theme and brand across our threee products. We will need to create an effective brand image because the products are their to promote the band and also an element of advertising involved aswell.

Over time the idea is to create brand loyalty , to keep the audience buying the particular brand for life, establishing it with an unchangeable permanence.

There are 8 elements that create brand identity:
  • Brand slogan - often a catchphrase linked to the brands logo
  • Brand Essence - what the brand means in a sentence
  • Brand Personality - what kind of character the brand has, this humanises the brand making it easier for us to relate to it
  • Brand values - what the brand stands for or against
  • Brand appearance - what the brand looks like, sounds like or tastes like
  • Brand heritage - the traditions that the brand has
  • Emotional benefits - what the consumer feels when they hear or see the brand
  • Hard Benefits - what is special about that brand that will make people buy into it? (is it cheap? high quality? more entertaining?) What real quantifiable benefits the brand offers the buyer

By Muhammad patel

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