- Physiological needs- need for basic survival. These must be met before you can move up the levels, Basic needs here include water, oxygen and food
- Safety and security needs- this includes the need for shelter and protection
- Belonging needs- social needs. Maslow says we have innate need for the love and affection of others
- Esteem needs- Can be split into two levels: lower self esteem and higher self esteem. Lower self esteem is attained by the esteem or appraisal of others, If other people like us we often feel better obout ourselves. Higher self esteem is more stable and lasting but difficult to achieve. It is self respect and truely feeling good about yourself.
- If the above needs are met you may acheive "Self-Actualisation". this is made up of "being needs," these include: perfection, beauty, respect, diplomacy and uniqueness. If we achieve self-actualisation then we are realising our full potential as human beings
- love/belonging- family, friendship, love conquers all
- esteem- confidence, achievement
By Muhammad patel
Why is this relevant? Please apply it to your project in some way! (Mrs A)